Saturday, March 11, 2023

The Language of Separation


Quote Jane Elliott: "We have to get rid of the language of racism."

She is not referring to racial slurs, which are clearly offensive and disgusting. She is talking about ditching what I call the language of separation. This would include Race, racial, racism, mixed race, and so on. While bigotry, prejudice, and hatred are sad facts of life, the language we use when confronting our current social morass is based upon an incorrect assumption.
According to Human Genomics a peer-reviewed, open access, online journal-
"There is no scientific evidence that the groups we traditionally call “races/ethnicities” have distinct, unifying biological or genetic basis."
Today, there’s a broad consensus among experts in human evolution that race is a social construct, not a biological category, and that it is extraordinarily difficult to link specific genes to complex human behaviors.

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