Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Can you help poor Polly?

Somewhere out there is a third year poli-sci major looking over the current political/societal landscape and despairing. She feels her name is not really important but let’s call her Polly. Anyway, Polly is considering whether to drop out and go to work as a costumed cartoon character for Disney World, or worse yet, staying in school but switching her major to MBA. Lord knows I don’t need to tell you, dear reader, these are two of the last things the world needs more of at this dark moment.

Polly’s hopes for the future are hanging by a mere thread. Her one simple wish is a gazillion shares on this meme. More than anything, Polly hopes the name Humpty-Trumpty catches on. The prospect of millions of people around the world thinking of America’s forty fifth president as Humpty-Trumpy is like a beacon of hope to Polly and so many others like her. Can we really afford to extinguish the one bright shining thought to which they so desperately cling?

If you would like to support this effort, please share this post. If you won’t do it for poor Polly, do it for the “Polly” in your life.

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