From the New York Times:
Is it any wonder the rationalists/atheists/humanists are conflicted? On one hand, almost all of us have sane, reasonable believers in our lives to whom we feel strongly bonded/connected. At the same time, the people whom everyone is frightened of (and well should be) are, so often, religious extremists from the various religious traditions. Worse yet, our fellow citizens keep elevating people with similar views into more and more powerful positions in government. I call a "whattheflyingfiddlyfuck?" on this shit.
**FYI, the answers to the question posed in the second image is: narrow-minded, judgmental, personal religious beliefs having nothing to do with the U. S. Constitution.
And, as far ass Mr. Barr is concerned, He was born with native intelligence and given the priceless gift of a high quality American education. Therefore he should fuckin' aye know better. Apparently the money spent on that schooling went up in smoke. He should have stuck with bible school.