Saturday, August 31, 2019

It rhymes!

Humpty-Trumpty sat on a big wall.
There he’d scowl & do little else at all,
He’d burnish his ego or watch his reflection
And hope to evade any criminal detection.
Or line his bottomless pockets with ill-gotten cash.
Or proclaim he cared for things other than his stash.
He’d call on his posse to give him more strokes
While making shit up and fleecing the blokes.
He was supreme in his bloated self-confidence
As he’d never faced a day’s worth of consequence.
They say he had more money than even the Gods
While most of his followers were simply poor sods.
He might’ve kept on as a playboy & bunghole supreme
But the narcissistic twat had a crazy-ass dream.
He got on the ticket for president (or, perhaps, a king)
And that was the start of some very very bad things…
Soon he was quite a big fish in quite a small bowl.
The negative attention took a most annoying toll.
From the beginning, he had distain for the job.
Even with all the power, he was still such a knob.
Many hoped the office would round out the holder.
But the weight only sloped his pampered shoulders.
He walked with head held high, and right on cue
But he was just a loser with TP on his shoe.
Was Humpty-Trumpty an Adonis, an egg-head?
Or just a scammer who’d made his own bed?
To his millions of supporters and me and you-
for Humpty-Trumpty, we were all the TP on his shoe.

Feeling a bit nauseated lately?

Click for the story:
Our own intelligence people are worried about Trump

Our country is swirling around the drain. Those who think America is somehow immune from the fate that has claimed many other great civilizations, should either read up on some history or ask an historian. You can take my word for it, with little prompting, historians and history buffs will happily tell you more than you wanted to know.

It is way past Trump now. Those who have enabled and/or aided this president's criminality (Republican Congress members and others) are now co-conspirators and they lack any plausible defense.

Congressional Republicans, and the wealthy cohorts who fund them, now comprise a lawless gang. They have sold out this country, whether by their actions or their silence.


I could not say it better.

Wounded psyche?

Friday, August 2, 2019

What we believe

***Catholics in specific and Christians in general you are hereby offered a trigger warning. I highly recommend you go find a cute cat video or football highlight video to watch. Seriously, you won't like it.***

I had been thinking about the things we believe or profess to believe. We most certainly includes me.

While rolling ideas around the old brainpan, I suddenly had a mental picture which I wanted to share.

I assert that, if asked, almost every woman and most men (regardless of religious affiliation or lack thereof) would agree with the statement at the top of the image. However, when we are faced with the ultimate example of a power differential, what do we believe?

Let's consider this. We have a young lady (we would likely consider her a girl by today's standards) who is living a very basic existence with little or no education at a time when the average person didn't understand the world was round and thought diseases were caused by demons or the displeasure of the gods. Thus, with all due respect to Mary, we can safely assume she was not a sophisticate or a scholar. In fact, if she'd been the most sophisticated educated woman in the world, how much would she have understood about the world at that time? 

Now things get really dicey. A member of the 'holy trinity' visits her and tells her he will impregnate her and that her child will be special in all the world. 

I suggest nobody in her right mind would argue that Mary had the ability to give informed consent. Well, except for those inculcated to believe in this particular canon.

Obviously, I understand that the believer will clap back with some version of, "it's God and he can do as he wishes" or "God works in mysterious ways" etc. 
And, no, I do not expect to change their minds. 

My intent is to challenge thoughts/beliefs. Why? Because challenging beliefs is how we evolve superior beliefs. Therefore, my retort is simple. Those who hold these beliefs are welcome to continue. That said, according to my calculation, they are holding their fellow humans to a higher standard than their deity.