Monday, November 4, 2019

Is there a Deep State?

Surprise! There is a deep state but it is not the one routinely referenced without supporting evidence on Fox News, Glenn Beck, Breitbart, Rush Limbaugh, Dennis Prager, et al.

I started watching this documentary on Netflix and soon had a pucker factor of about 9.8 on the ten point “USPS” (Universal Sphincter Pucker Scale). What I learned also provided evidence for my argument that wing-nut conspiracy theories cooked up by the Republicans often turn out to be mirrors of their own achievements. The so-called “deep state” being a prime example. In their fevered dreams (which is almost indistinguishable from their waking reality) a demon host of commie pinkos (known to us a dedicated government employees) work tirelessly to subvert our freedoms/democracy. It is patently obvious to everyone not wearing a conservative tin foil hat, that Republican-suits conflate laissez faire capitalism with our democratic republic. Boiling it down, it is soon obvious they fear they will be found out and judged too crass if they openly state their intentions to hoard all the resources along with the power to make policies about said resources, for themselves.

Happily, for self-righteous-righties, it is an elementary exercise to propagate the delusional notions out to the largely angry, unsophisticated, base voters who conveniently lack, or fail to employ, critical thinking skills. Such pursuits are greased by the copious injection of sophomoric religious tropes. In no time at all millions believe goofy conservative narratives their overlords have inextricably woven together with their own political objectives.

Were that not sufficient to raise ones eyebrows up beyond ones hairline, the unspoken religious-test of high government officials extends to many/most Democrats as well. That is to say, one must profess belief by continually inserting phrases into ones narrative such as: God Bless America/Americans, We pray for the victims and their families, and so on. It is also helpful to cast our enemies as either godless or disciples of a different deity.