Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Ghost in the machine

Click here

Aren’t we all god’s little Androids?

I understand The manufacturer got a great deal on some ancient Windows Vista disks. So, expect to receive dubious responses regarding life-changing decisions and the constant threat of demon viruses. On the bright side, tech support calls will be answered by genuine American atheists in silicon valley.

NOTE: All support personal are cross-trained. Whether you are simply having an issue with your android or a full-blown crisis of faith, you are covered.

Thursday, September 5, 2019


John Oliver is a British born naturalized American citizen. That is, he chose to be an American. Most American are only citizens by accident of birth. Though they may be delighted by the fact of their citizenship, it was a gift they had no hand in. While clearly displaying a great affinity for America by becoming a citizen, Mr. Oliver uses the platform of his television show to criticize various aspects of American life. And may the Flying Spaghetti Monster bless his acerbic heart.

Click here for a quick primer on the current scourge of televangelism

In any other venue or enterprise the cynical greed and villainy of such people would be a the subject of rightful public shaming and criminal prosecution. Sadly, these con-artists/scammers/sociopaths are able to veil their evil doings behind a cloak of religion. This get-out-of-jail-free-card, provided by religion, not only allows them to use the public airways to market their fraud, they do so tax free. In fact, whole television networks hide behind the religious tax dodge.

So, sure, my believers might wish to pop up and proclaim a personal distance from such practices. To the extent this is true in your particular case, Bravo! However, I would be interested to hear believers make a case for why all of you are allowed to hide among the folds of the same skirt? I am truly curious if a convincing case might be made to except religion from our basic societal contracts without imputing blame on one's own doctrine? Is it possible to carve out the worms from the apple while leaving the sweet bits intact? Could it be that, silence in the believer community suggests a nagging feeling that all are involved in marketing a defective product?

Proselytizing religions have a special responsibility in this arena. It is arguable that those who are not involved in marketing their views to non-members should not be held to the same standard. At least on this question.

For those who do not care for, or are not fulfilled by, the comedic approach employed by Mr. Oliver, I would offer the following.

For the eggheads and high brows...